The Palm Beach Gator Snow Ski Club is a group of active, fun-loving, sports-minded people who live in sunny South Florida (mainly Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast), but also share a love for winter activities. Our founding fathers adopted the alligator logo because of its association with South Florida. They did not intend to emulate any University or College.

Election Announcement

Our second round of nominations for the 2025-2026 Board of Directors was held at the March General Meeting on Thursday, March 13, 2025.  

The election will be held at our April 10th General Meeting.  Please be to vote Either in person or by absentee ballot.  If you have questions, please contact our Supervisor of Elections, Jim Eberhard at or (303) 570-6144.

The offices and nominees are as follows:

  • President - Ed Boatright
  • Vice President / Ski Trips - No Nominees
  • Vice President / Special Activities - Sharon Long
  • Vice President / Socials - No Nominees
  • Treasurer - Walter Marussich
  • Secretary - No Nominees
  • Member at Large - Lin Preli

Vacant positions will be filled by appointment at the June Board Meeting.  Please contact the President, Evie Hoston if you are interested.  

Click here for more details on each office.

Campaign Notice from Candidate for VP of Special Activities

Hey Gators!


I’m your current VP / Socials and I’m running unopposed for VP / Special Activities. I’ve been a dedicated member of the club for many years. I’ve held several positions on the board. I organize the weekly happy hours and the monthly concerts in Abacoa and help organize other events. I am familiar with the website, make a lot of flyers, and post events and trips.


In addition to our major domestic and international trips, I plan to offer more local and out of town weekend events. I’m looking for your help and support to make the coming year a success for our club. I welcome your suggestions.


Please vote so that we can have a quorum for a valid election.



Sharon Long

Proposed Bylaw Amendments for 2025

Your Board of Directors has approved four proposed Bylaw amendments.  

  1. Amendment to Allow Members to Join Three Months Before the Start of the Fiscal Year and to Remove the Discount for Members to Join Three Months before the Start of the Next Fiscal Year
  2. Amendment to Allow Members to Vote by Absentee Ballot on Bylaw Amendments
  3. Amendment to Remove 6 Year Term Limit for Board Members
  4. Amendment to Remove Restriction against Two Members of the Same Family to Serve on the Board Simultaneously

After Board approval, the next step in the amendment process is to notify all members, by reasonable means, of the proposed changes at least 30 days prior to the open discussion, which is the purpose of this announcement. The amendments may be downloaded for print at 2025 Proposed Bylaw Amendments.  

These Proposed Amendments will be discussed at the April 10th General Membership Meeting, and voted on at the May 18th General Membership Meeting at the Membership Picnic. Please plan to attend the April meeting to express any comments or questions that you may have. Note that you must be present at the May 18th meeting to vote on these significant and defining amendments.


Message from your President, Evie Houston: 

Hello Gators,

Enjoy this cool weather while we have it because it won’t be long until the scorching hot weather is upon us.

Our crew has returned from the Dolomites. It was a fantastic trip and that was our last ski trip for this season.

Come and try our social events. Meet new people and make new friends. Our happy hours are at a different venue each week and are very enjoyable.

Please come to our meeting on April 10th so you can cast your vote for our new elected officers to be. I look forward to seeing all of you there.

If you can’t make it for any reason, please login to our website and vote by absentee ballot.

We are looking for new board members. If you are at all interested, please come to our Board Meeting on June 5th and tell us what position you want and your qualifications.

Thank you very much. I have enjoyed being your President. Please VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!

Thank you,

Evie Houston, President

  • 3/26/2025

    Message from your VP of Socials, Sharon Long:

Hello Fellow Gators!

Come and join the fun! We are having a combined Special Activities/Socials event this Saturday at Juno Park. You can come at 10:30 am for kayaking/paddle boarding and then join our spring picnic afterwards with food served at 1:00 pm. There is a $5 charge and BYOB. Be sure to bring a chair if you plan to be at the picnic.

Please join us at our weekly happy hours every Friday. You can meet other members and make new friends or reconnect with old ones!

Here are the upcoming social events that are on our calendar:

Happy hour on March 28st at Yard House

  • Spring picnic - March 29th at Juno Park, $5 charge, BYOB
  • Happy hour on April 4th at Ceviche Arigato
  • Happy hour on April 11th at Asian Fin
  • Happy hour on April 18th at FireFin Grill
  • Happy hour on April 25th at Voodoo Bayou
  • Happy hour on May 2nd at The Twisted Tuna
  • Membership Picnic on Sunday, May 18th at Carlin Park
  • Boat Parade on Saturday, December 6th at Juno Park
  • Holiday dinner on Saturday, December 13th at Grande’s Bella Cucina.

Our club is interested in offering events that our members want. If you have any ideas or would like to help, please contact me.

Thank you,

Sharon Long

VP of Socials

Mobile: (561) 768-6365


Message from the VP of Ski Trips  

Hello Gators!

The ski season has come to an end for our Gator Ski Trips, but we have our 2026 trips on sale.

Our last trip is in the beautiful Dolomites of Italy and the group is now enjoying the snow and the sights around Italy. 

The 2026 Ski Trips are on Sale.  I am still looking for a trip leader for Sun Valley. 

We have the FSC ski trip in January to Telluride (lift to mountain on property), Sun Valley (condos) approx. 2 miles from the mountain, Winter Park is ski in/ski out and Purgatory (more info to follow). 

We have our European trip in the works to Spain with a side trip to experience Spain’s Carnival after we finish skiing the week.  This will be in February and will go on sale soon.

Reminder, our club is interested in offering ski trips that our members want.  If you have any ideas or would like to help with planning these trips, please contact me.  

We are always looking for good trip leaders. 


Think Snow!

Thank you,

Kelly Lunsford

VP of Ski Trips

Cell - (561) 801-4243


Message from the VP of Special Activities,

Ed Boatright:


Special Activities Trip Leaders for 2025 and 2026

Do you have a passion for travel and enjoy guiding others on new experiences? We’re seeking enthusiastic and organized trip leaders to help lead our upcoming journeys! If you love sharing your travel knowledge, organizing fun and engaging itineraries, and ensuring everyone has a great time, we want to hear from you. 

As a trip leader, you’ll may receive compensation of up to the full cost of the trip based on how well the trip sells—making it a great opportunity for those who are both passionate about travel and enjoy connecting with others.

If you’re ready to take the lead and help create memorable adventures, please click on the below link to download a trip leader application, complete and submit to me. 

Click to download Trip Leader application


Click on the highlighted links below for more information on each trip

Best of Scandinavia
Sept. 2-12, 2025 - $5,494 - TRIP FLYER

Mantova, Italy Bike and Barge
Sept. 4-15, 2025 - $4,845 - TRIP FLYER 



Vienna to Budapest Bike and Barge
July 24- Aug. 3, 2026 TRIP FLYER


Budapest to Vienna Bike and Barge
July 31- Aug. 10, 2026 

Click on the highlighted links below for more information on each trip

Ed Boatright
(561) 490-7037

Scandinavia Tour September 2025


Check out this amazing trip! 



Openings available!

Trip to Southern Spain 2026

An 11 day historic and cultural tour of Southern Spain; includes overnights at several historic Paradors. Tour the magical oriental palace of the Alhambra. Take walking tours of Madrid, Seville, Granada, Toledo and Caceres. Visit the Royal Palace in Madrid, the Prado Museum. Delight in Flamenco and Sevillanas dance shows. Wine tasting, Sherry tasting, Tapas bars, delicious food everywhere. This trip is not to be missed!

Your 2024-2025 Board of Directors

Your 2024-2025 Executive Committee Officers are: 

President: Evie Houston

Past President: 

VP of Ski Trips: Kelly Lunsford 

VP of Special Activities: Ed Boatright 

VP of Socials: Sharon Long

Secretary: Terry Collins Taucher

Treasurer: Walter Marussich 

Member at Large: Lin Preli

Your 2024-2025 Directors are: 

Membership Director: Harry Patat

Communications Director: Estela Basso

The Club is seeking candidates for the position of Event Controller.  Those who are interested should contact the President at 561-762-2628 or  



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Gator Snow Ski & Activities Club
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